> Jim,the
> It is really nice to have colors in the "Load Levels" dialog, but
> dark blue color for the "Kids difficulty" is difficult to read on abit
> black background.
> I don't know if other have the same difficulty as me, for to read
> with this color.
> The other colors are perfect, but this one could be just a little
> more pale, or totally an other color.Hmm... Jim changed it from dark purple to blue because it looked a
bit too similar to the Easy color.
I too like the colors in the listboxes, but the blue color isn't THAT
hard to read, is it really?
What color could you suggest as a substitute? NOT the old one.
Red is used, pink/purple is used and green is used. Yellow too. So
what could we use?
We can't make the Kids' blue color lighter, because then it would
look to similar to the Hard.
It's a hard life.