How do I approve pending messages? (For moderated groups only)
If your group is moderated, then you (or another moderator that you
appoint) will need to approve all messages. You can do this several
From the My Groups page:
The number of pending messages will appear under the Messages Pending
column. If you have messages, the number will be linked. Click on
this link, which will take you to the Pending Messages page.
Review, edit, approve or delete the pending messages by clicking on
the appropriate link.
From the Messages page:
Click on the Pending section in the Messages area. You will see a
list of pending messages (if any exist).
Review, edit, approve, or delete the pending messages by clicking on
the appropriate link.
For Donald: How to approve Pending messages
How do I approve messages for a group I'm moderating?
If your group is moderated, then you (or another moderator that you
appoint) will need to approve all messages. To approve pending
Click on the Pending section in the Messages area. You will see a
list of pending messages (if any exist).
Click on any link to review, edit, approve or delete a message.
This means that the Pending was not an option in the Members section
but in the Messages section.