Hi All,
Glad to say that by now I have solved 100 deadly levels in total :-)(including levels by myself) . I solved the first deadly level �SSecond Version⬝ about a dozen of years ago, and solved the last �SUnembellished 2⬝ about a week ago. I hope to take another dozen of years(maybe earlier) to conquer another 100 deadly levels.
In fact now my skill is still worse than the top players like Ihab & Iron, yet I am glad with any progress.
The following is a list of all the 100 levels I�"ve solved (lines in blue):
#0140 Second Version Kheper
#0143 mr. hat glaud
#0145 cHAHarm Kheper
#0146 The remedy bottle Kheper
#0148 The 3 frozen blocks Kheper
#0149 The 4 triangles Kheper
#0150 Earned victory Kheper
#0173 telekinesis glaud
#0174 Rated X Kheper
#0177 Arachnida Kheper
#0178 Diptera Kheper
#0179 Being an inchworm Kheper
#0193 A Little Walk Kheper
#0205 The glass labyrinth Ivosh
#0250 Traffic Jam Kheper
#0283 Dazed and Confused Jim Kindley
#0290 2 Deep Little Wells Ivosh
#0294 3 Deep Little Wells Ivosh
#0300 ??hafaudages Kheper
#0343 Long Tea Break Mikulka
#0349 Wet Corridor Ivosh
#0360 SOS Amaury Sanches
#0368 The Inchworm special Ivosh
#0385 Burgtheater Mikulka
#0400 For Mr Kheper & Mikulka Ivosh
#0411 Finger Erosion Kheper
#0416 Single Pass III Ivosh+Martin
#0538 L�"Ar??e Kheper
#0540 The Key Kheper
#0541 ??hafaudages # 2 Kheper
#0666 Blind Beast Kheper
#0712 Fear No Evil Mikulka
#0725 Kids>Right⬦Others>Up Kheper
#0726 Kids>Up⬦Others>Down Kheper
#0727 Kids>Down⬦Others>Left Kheper
#0760 Four Rooms, Four Flags Kheper
#0761 Don�"t break my heart ;>) Kheper
#0816 Hypnos Kheper
#0906 USS Enterprise Kheper
#0908 Promenons le bloc Kheper
#0964 Road to Hell [email protected]
#1019 Q. P. G Mikulka
#1024 Rush Hour IV Mikulka
#1025 Rush Hour V Mikulka
#1026 Rush Hour VI Mikulka
#1126 Eye of Cthulhu Kheper
#1129 Eye of Azathoth Kheper
#1338 Tank Mover 5 THZ
#1619 2/3 wrong! Kheper
#1986 Big Time Kheper
#2011 Neighborhood Patrol Kheper
#0009 The Ducky�"s Journey Donald Drouin
#0065 Thru Thick & Thin GerrW
#0072 Re: Cognition GerrW
#0242 Dante�"s Inferno GerrW
#1333 S � C�"Ape Kheper
#1334 Chimp Probable Kheper
#0345 Klugheit Pr??ung GerrW
#0399 Prepare before attack Yono in Jkt
#0454 Island race Sven Egevad
#0820 L�"Etage Maudit Ihab NAIRI
#0825 La Trappe Kheper
#0826 L�" Attrape Kheper
#0918 Get Up Stand Up Ihab NAIRI
#0977 Pow-City GerrW
#0978 Mayan Temple GerrW
#1047 Ctrl + Alt + Del Ihab NAIRI
#1146 WaterWheel GerrW
#1207 Syncopation Sven Egevad
#1316 the magic of portal⬦ BARTOK
#1525 San Goo Mou Loo Li Yifeng
#1597 le Village De Voisins Ihab NAIRI
#1599 Head of Medusa Ihab NAIRI
#1600 Fission 2 Ihab NAIRI
#1601 ((2???A Grands Pas Ihab NAIRI
#1604 Ihab NAIRI�"s Chall-II #918 B Yono in Jkt.
#1617 Fine-tuning Yono in Jkt.
#1715 Mountainous ExtremE Iron & Bartok
#1786 Alcazar pchasta & Ihab NAIRI
#1789 Mountainous ExtremE_2 Iron & Bartok
#1790 Proficiency test Iron & Bartok
#1829 Le cyclope Deux Ihab NAIRI
#1875 Tableau Ihab NAIRI
#1876 Mon Premier Ma??re Ihab NAIRI
#1881 Contact Time Iron & Bartok
#1882 Mountainous ExtremE_3 Iron & Bartok
#1883 Global frontier post Iron & Bartok
#1884 Survival test Iron & Bartok
#1906 Dangerous thin ice Yono in Jkt.
#1920 Robinson Crusoe�"s Puzzle Yono in Jkt.
#1994 Alice in Wu-Land Iron & Alice
#0002 Test By Iron & Bartok Ihab NAIRI
#0003 Yono in Jkt�"s Puzzle Ihab NAIRI
#0004 Haly-Galy yo-ho-ho. Iron & Bartok
#0005 Vector symmetry Iron & Bartok
#0052 Jeu d�"Action Ihab NAIRI
#0053 3araAka GerrW
#0134 From cage to glory Yono in Jkt.
#0321 Flooded road Yono in Jkt.
#0323 Zambani machines in action Yono in Jkt.
#0343 KPAHTBI Iron & Bartok
#0436 Strabique SSnniippeerr Ihab NAIRI
#0439 Cyber Wasp Iron & Bartok
#0440 MOCKBA Iron & Bartok
#0504 The scorpions 2 Iron & Alice
#0562 SDF vs Janvier Ihab NAIRI
#0563 Clodo et les 7 chiens Ihab NAIRI
#0637 Joking apart 2 Iron & Magnolia
#0649 Chop suey Ihab NAIRI & Yono in Jkt.
#0650 Chow mein Ihab NAIRI & Yono in Jkt.
#0652 What flag? By Yono in Jkt. Ihab NAIRI
#0653 �SBe firm & correct⬝ by Yono Ihab NAIRI
#0654 Orderly misplaced Yono in Jkt.
#0748 IllIsIbIlIt?4.01 MyE Edition Ihab NAIRI
#0749 IllIsIbIlIt?2004 Beta Ihab NAIRI
#0750 Redondance cyclique Ihab NAIRI
#0752 17 soldiers Javi & LFE
#0962 Enter Dino�"s Mouth Yono in Jkt.
#1011 mljuz-bljuz NGG
#1157 The scorpions 3 Iron & Magnolia
#1395 Deadly Dash LFE the FLE
#1406 FLOF NGG & Iron
#1573 the LFE the FLE�"s Runway Ihab NAIRI
#1793 Heavy Weapons Li Yifeng
#1863 Zone polaire pchasta
#1864 Zone polaire II pchasta
#1865 Zone Antarctique pchasta
#1957 invocateur III Donald Drouin
#0027 let�"s play BUNGEE! Li Yifeng
#0116 Holes to be filled 2 Donald Drouin
#0307 Friends or Foes? I Secret Squirrel
#0310 Classical Logic 2 Li Yifeng
#0332 Flash Photo Finish Secret Squirrel
#0333 Photo Finish Negative Secret Squirrel
#0334 Eternal Sunshine Secret Squirrel
#0347 Black Holes <1> Li Yifeng
#0348 Black Holes <3> Li Yifeng
#0384 Rat Seduction Ed Baumann & Donald
#0427 Rooms #01 Li Yifeng
#0455 World of Mystery Secret Squirrel
#0511 Quantum Tunnelling Secret Squirrel
#0518 PEBEPC Iron & Anna Model
#0519 MOCT 2 Iron & Anna Model
#0520 MOCT 1 Iron & Anna Model
#0521 Synchpoint Iron & Anna Model
#0575 KAHABKA Iron & Anna Model
#0597 Frozen Battlefield LFE the FLE
#0599 Lasertank on ice 2008 Pono
#0646 Cuestion prioritaria Pono
#0649 get smart Pono
#0781 MOHAPX Iron & Anna Model
#0782 TEPMOPEAKTOP Iron & Anna Model
#0783 Bigleux SSnniippeerr Ihab Habib NAIRI
#0785 Harmonie Ihab Habib NAIRI
#0786 Sculpter un nouveau monde Ihab Habib NAIRI
#0841 Mission Impassable Secret Squirrel
#0887 Deslizamiento clave 2 Pono
#0888 Lasertank on ice 2009 Pono
#0945 The Return of Sherlock Holmes Li Yifeng
#0955 Laser Test 2 Pono
#1068 Aranjuez Ihab Habib NAIRI
#1076 Bermuda Throwing Ed Baumann & Donald
#1118 The Corporate Freasy Pole Secret Squirrel
#1171 Dead A-T Shuffle (Long) LFE the FLE
#1188 Lasertest 5 Pono
#1189 Quad Editor I?? Ihab Habib NAIRI
#1274 Caracoles Pono
#1275 The incredible machine Pono
#1276 Punto Critico Pono
#1294 Lasertest 9 Pono
#1295 Lasertest 10 Pono
#1296 Lasertest 11 Pono
#1339 Dead A-T Shuffle (Short) LFE the FLE
#1429 Lasertest 15 Pono
#1445 Lasertest 17 Pono
#1446 Espejito, espejito Pono
#1447 Lasertest 18 Pono
#1501 Solufigae Ihab Habib NAIRI
#1502 Lasertest 19 Pono
#1503 Lasertank on ice 2011 Pono
#1608 Espejito, espejito (6) Pono
#1609 Espejito, espejito (7) Pono
#1610 Laser anti-tank Pono
#1613 Laser anti-tank 2 Pono
#1624 Espejito, espejito (8) Pono
#1748 Espejito, espejito (10) Pono
#1749 Lasertank on ice 2012 Pono
#1784 la piscine de monsieur Jero Ihab Habib NAIRI
#1833 A simple plan Pono
#1834 A simple plan (2) Pono
#1835 A simple plan (3) Pono
#1837 chicken game 2 Pono
#1838 chicken game 3 Pono
#1839 chicken game 4 Pono
#1853 Elementary 3 Pono
#1858 Elementary 8 Pono
#1871 Elementary 9 Pono
#1939 Laser Antitank 6 Pono
#1940 Laser Antitank 7 Pono
#1993 Quick and the Dead Secret Squirrel
#0043 Elementary 15 Pono
#0144 Rooms #02 Li Yifeng
#0186 Unembellished 2 LFE the FLE
#0538 >>longest most<< easy ---==[ valvadac ]==---
#0680 Nowhere to go Sven Egevad
#0707 ?Sven Egevad 680 Soko-I Ihab NAIRI
#0872 From 2003 to 2004 Yono in Jkt.
#1055 Le Vieux Pressoir Ihab NAIRI
#1172 Loose Cannon GerrW
#1316 Paucity two Ihab NAIRI
#1317 Lasertank 2005 : Epure Ihab NAIRI
#1369 Tower of Babel II GerrW
#1519 Bay Bridge after earthquake Yono in Jkt.
#1650 Wet⬦wet⬦then cold Yono in Jkt.
#1722 Trapped in a parking garage Yono in Jkt.
#1771 The Octagon Yono in Jkt.
#1788 Undersea exploration Yono in Jkt.
#1795 Fishing Li Yifeng
#1903 Hermit and 18 cannibals Yono in Jkt.
#0132 Acrohedron Ed Baumann & Donald
#0145 Ivesheadia Ed Baumann & Donald
#0185 Merry Christmas 2007 Yono in Jkt.
#0282 Trapped by Yono in Jkt. Ihab Habib NAIRI
#0392 B. Eduard�"s Sok-I #1539 Yono in Jkt.
#0428 Tchou tchou Ihab Habib NAIRI
#0549 bucolic heap 2 Donald Drouin
#0564 Tarang Shah�"s autograph Ihab Habib NAIRI
#0574 SoKosity GerrW
#0822 Mechanically Novoban Ihab Habib NAIRI
#0827 Le Despote Ihab Habib NAIRI
#0849 GFY 02 GFY
#1113 C. Gordon & Yono�"s puzzle Ihab Habib NAIRI
I got true satisfaction when one got solved. Thanks to all the authors...
Next, I would like to introduce the top 10 hardest levels among the levels I have solved. (different players have different opinions.)To be objective, I excluded the levels made by myself.
#1047 Ctrl + Alt + Del Ihab NAIRI
#1875 Tableau Ihab NAIRI
#0003 Yono in Jkt�"s Puzzle Ihab NAIRI
#0750 Redondance cyclique Ihab NAIRI
#1406 FLOF NGG & Iron
#0518 PEBEPC Iron & Anna Model
#0521 Synchpoint Iron & Anna Model
#0599 Lasertank on ice 2008 Pono
#0786 Sculpter un nouveau monde Ihab Habib NAIRI
#0186 Unembellished 2 LFE the FLE
Among my levels, the hardest may be Ch-II#1525, Ch-III#0027.In a new level I will go on to improve my original level Ch-III#1793, then it will become my hardest level.
Best Regards,
Li Yifeng