948 Deadly Kheper Les outils suspendus
1026 Deadly Mikulka Rush Hour VI [ Impossible to solve for now ]
1575 Hard Iddi Gilumú 1
1976 Deadly Kheper The Spy
1977 Deadly Kheper The Secret Agent
1978 Deadly Kheper The Terrorists
1979 Deadly Kheper The Victim
1984 Deadly Valvadac >>>longest<<>>most<<<
2011 Deadly Kheper Neighborhood Patrol
----- Original Message -----From: Miklós SzabóSent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 4:47 AMSubject: Level 1026 (Rush Hour VI) unsolvable!!!Hi Players,
Last night I checked Level 1026 (Rush Hour VI) after Thorsten has indicated to me that
it is impossible to enter the room with the flag. Yes, you are right, the bug is really there.
I am sorry for this to happen, I am working on the correction.
Donald, is there a list of erroneous levels?
If so, please include 1026, too.