because a deadly level can be solved in the one session by say,
having ten or more tries but the solver rates it as deadly because
he/she knows damn well that that level is deadly even though it
wasn't all that extremely difficult for them. See, when I have rated
a level, I determine what the difficulty would be for the average
player, not the beginner, nor the veteran but the player who is savvy
as to the tricks of the trade as it were. And just because I can
solve the deadly level in one hour, that doesn't mean it's not
deadly. It's just a fact that I can solve that type of level because
I like those types of levels. I have noticed a lot of the earlier
medium levels should have been rated hard because they are not medium
and don't tally with the later rated medium levels.
I suggest a panel of ten (at least) rate the levels. GHS hunters may
not be enough to rate levels accurately. Honestly I ask Donald, how
many ratings do you get per new level on average?
Anyways what do you all think?
> The difficulty is determined by how much the player has to think inorder to solve it. This is accomplished when a player has to play
that particular level several times in order to get how to solve it.
This is a service done by our own GHS HUNTERS. The difficulties are
like this:
> Kids-A level that can be solved on the first try.
> Easy-A level in which you have to think a little bit in order to
>Normally requires a little dose of heavy thinking to accomplish.
> Medium-A level in which may take several attempts to solve.
>take several days to accomplish.
> Hard-A level that will take you many,many tries to solve.
> Deadly- A level that looks impossible and in which the solution may
> >
> > From: "deftriver" <deftriver@n...>
> > Date: 2004/07/29 Thu PM 07:08:25 CDT
> > To: [email protected]
> > Subject: Difficulty question
> >
> >