I have no idea when that will be. OR Someone else could take my
source code and create a parallel version of Lasertank that has
different graphics. The problem with animating everything is that the
screen will blink a little on a slow computer. The best way to do
this would be to use the DirectX drivers. I have never played with
them but I know they are much faster at doing graphics.
The LTG format would have to be changed: First you would have to
have 4 spots for each graphic. Second, you would need a header that
describes which game objects are animated. Theird, the tunnels still
can not be animated, without some special code added.
--- In Lasertank@y..., "Marcel Celaya" <fb2001@a...> wrote:
> --- In Lasertank@y..., "MrDoomMaster" <mrdoommaster@h...> wrote:
> > Well about making the graphics 32x32: this can be a problem
> of the
> > size of the lasertank level size. If the graphics got bigger, so
> would the
> > lasertank window... and this could not be good for people with
> > monitors, or high pixel size. Yet, i do agree with making 4
> Using 3
> > is a bit difficult to make smooth animation, and 3 is also an odd
> number, as
> > even numbers give you a better selection of patterns in
> In
> > addition, i would like to ask if it would be possible to make
> of the
> > current objects (and new objects (if any) that will be made in
> next
> > version of lasertank) that do not have animation, with animation?
> For
> > example, the "corps" of the tank after it has been destroyed does
> not (at
> > the moment) support animation: I personally would like it to be
> animated to
> > make a "throbbing" effect for the corps. Using more animation may
> mean a
> > longer construction period for LTG files, but it would also expand
> > capabilities and allow users to fully take advantage of LTG
> creation. Yes, i
> > realize doing this would mean updating every previously made LTG,
> but
> > wouldn't LTG's have to be upgraded anyway when new items are put
> into the
> > game? Nothing comes easily people!
> > _____________________________
> > --MrDoomMaster
> That is exactly what I mean.. all the objects could be animated..
> that way you could choose which ones could be animated and which
> not.. because all of the objects animated would look rather
> distracting.. but believe it or not all graphic files use 32x32
> tiles!! open any game.bmp and see for yourself!!
> I am currently working on a kit that will introduce people to LTG
> making.. it will have a few tips on how to do them and have
> instructions on everything!!
> __
> FB|