I could have fixed the "comma" problem in LTPBEdit.exe if you had
told me when you first encountered it. (I don't know what caused
this problem, and since I no longer have the source code for Ver.
5.0.1, I can't find out.) Anyway, as you said, Ver. 5.3.0 correctly
handles commas in the level's name -- so "All's well that ends well"
(I suppose).
Please let me know if you have any other problems with any of the
LTUS programs.
Note, the dialogs in Ver. 5.3.0 of LTPBEdit.exe may display
incorrect text under some conditions. I am working on this problem,
and will upload a revision (as Ver. 5.3.1) in a few days.
--- In [email protected], Suyono <suyonohy@d...> wrote:
> Hi Harvey,
> Finally, I got the right LTPBEdit.exe.
> It's ver. 5.3.0 (Mod. Nov. 7, 2004.)
> I used to use its ver. 5.0.1 (Mod.
> Dec. 17, 2002.) The problem with the
> old version was that it didn't like
> the "," (comma)* in the level name, so
> I should use Hex-Editor. Or - which I
> did - I avoided the level name with
> comma sign. For example, I used
> "Wet... dry... wet again" instead of
> "Wet, dry, and wet again". :-)
> * (Apparently, the "," was the input
> delimiter.)
> Thank you, Harvey.
> Bye,
> Suyono
> PS: Until this morning, I thought
> ltedit40.exe was yours. It's Jim's.
> The problem with that one is it
> doesn't accept level file name longer
> than 79 characters (including path
> name.)