one. (Unless Jim or Donald decide it is best to move it.) People can
talk on your forum all they like but it is quite likely that any bug
reports posted there will not be seen by the rest of the community
and may not get fixed. In truth this actually a mailing list that is
posted online. That is why it does not automaticly sort the messaged
by thread or have very good search engine.
Perhaps we should consider upgrading to a real forum. Possibly with a
domain name such as the probems with that would be
cost and quality.
If we do not want a real Forum, perhaps we should move this over to a
usenet group. It would be relitivly easy to do do that. There are 4
big problems with usenet however. #1. Not everybody will be able to
get the group as not all news servers carry al groups. #2. even if
they are able to get the group some people may not get all the
messages. #3. usenet messaages are eventualy removed from most
servers making looking back at old messages difficult. #4. spam. We
would not really want to have a moderated usenet group beacause it is
a pain to operate one.
So are real choices are:
1. stay here
2. move to a real forum simalar to but not nessisaraly identical to
the one in the message below.
This thread can be used for a disscusion of such a group. is it worth
the hastle of moving to be able to get better quality? I leave that
to the the rest of the group to decide.
--- In Lasertank@y..., "ltank2099" <BinLadenMustDie@h...> wrote:
> I have created a new nicer looking forum at:
> please visit my forum soon and be sure to sign up!