Hi GerrW,
Sorry I really have't hear that the suggestion was discussed before. Could you tell me where? Massages in Yahoo Group are too many. Thanks! But Yes I know that we have some solutions of Kheper's levels. I also know that they are not popular. Anyway I have prepared my suggestion for weeks. It is not easy to persuade a prepared man.
At the beginning I want to state my opinion again(later readers can find more details in other letters): 1.Now we should Change something , instead of sighing and complainting. 2.We need more people's joining in discussion through more sharing.
I explain why I stated the 2 principles. Certainly our lasertank homepage is not perfect. (Nothing is perfect.) It can be made better and better to attract people. It will probably reach a limit but I believe that day is not coming soon, like a real well-designed level needs the author's edition for a very long time. Years ago a big change is not necessary because the group is warm enough. But now the trend is very dangerous. waiting leads to dying, like what the global climate meeting told us.
The reason that I state the 2nd principle is: It has been proved that collaboration will dig out our potentials. From the LT levels we can also see it clearly. Just look at Ch-III#2,#3, Ch-II#1786, #1829, and many levels which Donald got inspirations from Eduard. In the race of scientific discovery, Gottingen beat Dirac many times. What I designed is to create a flat, an atmosphere that encourages collabration. Of course the atmosphere won't be nice unless players share their experience with each other. And the forum is supposed to be much warmer than nowadays.
Next, I express my disagreement with the thoughts in your first passage for reasons below. First, It must be true that after all there exist some differences between my suggestion and the page of solutions of Kheper's levels. First, the latter page doesn't have lpbs. This difference is important because:1, People cannot learn the high-score solutions; 2. picture-story books are different from films. Second, Kheper's levels are too hard for average. In my suggestion, "well-designed levels" should include ones from easy to deadly.Third, Sokoban are only a corner of lasertank world. plus that the few levels published cannot reflect the panorama of the grace of lasertank. On the contrary, the diversification of levels allows people to communicate according their special interests.
I don't think the lpb published should be the GHS.(please see the letters between Donald and I attached) What we need is not the best but the diversification, not one exact solution but more solutions. Even half-solved lpbs are encouraged to publish , for any contribution is the treasure of lasertank in my eyes. Now what I worry about is that the task might be too heavy for Donald because the suggestion relates to many details if he puts it into action.
And I must express my sorrow that I tried to but could hardly catch the idea in your 2nd paragragh. my english is not very well and I have stayed up. Forgive me... Hoping my main opinions above were expressed clearly.
It is just an experiment and I am not sure it will be succeed. But i think doing is better than waiting, plus no objection by now can persuade me. And I seriously call for a serious thinking about any suggestion to save the group, If someone curtly drop an idea, a survival possibility will be closed.
My best regards,
Attached is the letter between Donald and I. Hi!
Thank you very much for your attention and timely reply. I must push my work along because my vacation is relatively short for the task.
I think we can choose levels not only from Lasertank.lvl. "Challenge"s are even better. �Ssokoban⬝s are also good. A number of Masters, who are easy to get touch with, appeared AFTER lasertank.lvl. Surely we can get touch with Suyono, Ihab, Sqir, LFE, you and me... If they choose 1/10 on average of their levels, we have 60+5+60+8+10+2>140 levels... Maybe Gerry,Iron,NGG,To aqui,Sven,pono,etc...can be connected to. I believe most of them referred above are warm-hearted.
Furtherer... I don't know why we must contact old,inactive authors. Could we just choose their levels out, like what Suyono, GerrW and Tina did years ago? THEIR lpbs won't be open but WE active players can make lpbs and publish OUR lpbs and talk about OUR understanding of THEIR levels. And I guess authors will be glad that his level obtains more attention and more admiration. I cannot find how we encroach on their privacy.
The only block that I notice is: this page I designed will be contradict with the �Sundeafeted authors list⬝ page. But I personnally think that the main function of the list is to give GHS hunters a clue indicating which levels are bound to be beaten, which GHSs don�"t reach the theoretic minimum. I never found an author beat a GHS hunter�"s score.
Then, about the published lpbs. In my opinion, anyone can publish his lpb, his snapshot, his questions, his answers and his thoughts of his own accord. GHS holder can choose to keep his solution a secret but his HSs are easier to beat by more people than before.
So there appears your problem: we probably need to ask GHS holders for their permission. The reason is: in ancient time they ran the tank once and once again all by themselves before a GHS was beaten; but in the future, things will likely be different.
However, I guess that most active GHS holders, like Ihab & Sqir & LFE & Tina & lyf & etc , are kind enough to provide some of their lpbs and instructions for our discussion.And a master is more likely to admit us to collabrate to look for a better score, although he achieved the GHS all by himself.
Sorry that I underestimated the load of manager... and sorry that I didn't exactly express my worry at the end of my letter yesterday. I actually worried that the members may not take my suggestion seriously because of my low prestige. Anyway I will post my last letter to Yahoo Group minutes later. If you agree, I will also post your reply and this letter.
I look forward to your opinions.
Yours Sincerely, Eternal lasertanker Li Yifeng --- 10年2�S�5���R���, Donald Drouin (Lasertank) <[email protected]> � "��a