Thank you very much for the explanations.
I wrote �The longest playback� (Message #4664) because:
1. Some level creators wrote in their hints (about 100,000 moves, etc.) possibly without knowing that the playback (.lpb) file CANNOT accommodate that long recording.
2. I�am sure that those level creators who claimed their levels have more than 65,500 moves must HAVE NOT good playback (.lpb) file (except they made the file using their own program, not using LaserTank.exe.)
The proof is easy. Everybody can do the following procedure.
1. Create a new level just as Nic01 suggested: Tank at H16, Tank mover (downward) at H15, Flag at G16. Cello taping the up arrow down to the keyboard base. The 'moves counter' counts. (Having the only level in a file is not recommended since your high scores might not be recorded.)
(In my experiment prior to I wrote Message #4664, I did the same thing, but without the flag, only Tank at H16 and Tank mover at H15. In another experiment, to check the 'shots counter', I used Tank at H1, nothing else. The tank keeps shooting upward by cello taping the space bar down. Don�t let the laser travel on air; it will take a lot of time. Also, Tank at H16 and shoots downward will need one turn at the beginning, which I don�t like. Also, Tank at H16 and shoots Solid block at H15 will take longer time than shoots the edge of the board. Experiments for combination of turns, moves, and shots can be made using those elements.)
2. (After about two hours,) stop
pressing the up arrow when the 'moves counter' shows 65535.
Now, observe the counter each time you press the up arrow.
65535, 65035, 65135,
65235, �&.., 69855,
69865. Stop again here.
Explanation: the counter is reset to zero after 65535. The zero
is at the center. You stop again the
counter at 986. The number overwrites 65535, so we will see 69865
(the 986 is at the center.)
3. Reach the flag (the counter shows:
69875, which means 987). In the '!New High Score!' box, you will see:
Moves: 987
Shots: 0 Initial:
(In my experiment before, I didn�t have the flag, so I used 'Save Recording' or F6 as I wrote in Message #4664. Actually, we can play as many moves we want - until the harddisk is full - but can't be recorded.)
If you check the scores at 'View High Scores', you will see:
No Level_Name 987
0 Init
4. OPTIONAL (but save two hours
if you don�t do item 5 below.
Use LPB-Print.exe to check your playback file. You will read:
Moves: 65500 & Shots: 0
5. This is what people DIDN'T
do: REPLAY the playback file.
As I mention in my previous message (Message #4664), the play
will STOP at step number 65,500 because
that�s the END of the playback file,
which was chopped off while recording.
Conclusion: The official world record is still belonging to Mikulka with 42,878/156. The problem is like in �Linear Programming': T+M+S <= 65,500 with a) M as large as possible as the first priority, b) S as large as possible as the second priority, c) T is ignored. (Only M and S show up in the official GHS.)
Suyono H. Yaphar
PS: Steve, I will write about LPB-Print later.
nic01_lt wrote:
If you want longest known, then ask FB for his own playback
for "Ridiculous Final" (Special-I, 50) if it exists.For second longest, ask Valvadac for his ">>>longest<<>>most<<<"
(Special-I, 95). this one's more likely to exist than the other.Both, however, goes over 65 535...
There are longer, but they are repetitive work... I doubt they
actually gave a playback due to their ridiculous lengths.
The absolute longest, if you want to know, is Horst
Ledpeddle's "Trinary Counter 2" (Special-I, 250) at 2 777 223 777 580
moves. (not including the 1 turn involved)As for the longest possible playback, make a level with down-arrow
tankmover right above the tank and the flag to the right, left, or
Move up for 65,533 moves, than turn to the flag and move there.
As for longest possible path to exit that you must take, use Horst
Ledpeddle's trinary counter and set it for 65,533 moves. (Yes, the
trinary counter can be set)Hopefully this answers the question.
Stephen Ryan wrote:suyono,
thanks for explaining all that.yes, nic is completely correct - i just made a counter that requires exactly 65,535 moves, 0 turns, 0 shots, so i guess it would
get the record for the most recorded moves and the most boring at the same time. that's why i was wondering how to convert
the txt version of a playback back to the lpb format. it would take about 9 hours to record an lpb for this level using laser the way, the latest counter that i have is now up to ten trillion (10,000,000,000,000), but it has very nearly reached the limit
for base three math. i wonder if anyone will discover other math or higher base math that can be used in laser tank to make
long or hard levels. nic obviously has the trinary figured out.