Thank you for the snapshot of the final
state of "A very long week" (Special-I
#352). The picture inspired me.
As you might have noticed, there's
unused tunnel's color, i.e. black. We
can use the black tunnels to increase
the number of anti-tank's shots, so to
make the week longer.
For example, adding 15 black tunnels at
C3-G3, C4-F4, C5-E5, C6-D6, and C7 most
likely would give no solution. It's a
bad trial.
Significant improvement can be reached
by adding 15 black tunnels at C3, C4-D4,
C5-E5, C6-F6, and C7-G7. This level
would be VERY interesting.
fanaticiest wrote:
> I have made a picture of the final state of the level.
> --
> Eric Schmidt "Eric119"