james. it is not
i found that also at first i thought
it was just me like you are. but it is the fact that some have figured out
some tricks and then it is also like the mice in the maze's in the
labs once they get through the maze they remember and do it faster each
time so the ones that are really fast at this are the ones that have
been doing it and can spot the path with out even trying.
but you want to
rrrrrreeeeaaaaalllllyyyy screw them up. make one that
cant be done then fix it with 3 different ways then save
now close the game and go
back to it later about a week don't even look at it for that
long. then go back and open the level your making and close of
each way you find with out looking. if you find all then
start over at it by closing them and makeing more ways to
something else just make them at
don't make the tunnels go to the same
path. you can have 3 tunnels all the same number and make it go to
a wrong path? or you can have it jump you in the middle of some
i did that and sent it
to jim but i dont know if he used my last 3 levels or
also make them just as
crazy as i do by throwing all the items on the field and
then making a path with what is up there. then play it for a
week. and block all the easy routes.
also you can use the blocks as
traps just make it where you have to slide the block under the
tank so it can jump down to the next path. that is done a lot.
now granted i make most of mine easy to
medium on purpose but doing the above you can make them
hard. one more then some times less is
more.? 8-)
and if they still get them. don't
worry about it you are good at making them for kids !
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2001 2:59
Subject: a lil help please
I can berly make easy levels and can berly beat easy
wrong with me??? i cant make a level without somone going to
it and
already knowing what to do.
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