>I think the current result of the poll must be shown, so we know the
> The poll has been changed. The closing date should actually be
> the date when new objects will be added.
voters opinion at this moment. The fact is: one day prior to the closing
of the poll, every voter can change his/her vote to match the actual
record. In addition, each time new record is broken, every voter can
adjust his/her opinion.
For this kind of poll, we see the current result to know how optimistic
/ pessimistic the voters at the time. The result at the closing date
(January 1, 2006) is not important. (Every voter is Nostradamus.)
I'll vote this coming Sunday.
> What do you guys think adding what objects would increaseAdding:
> the maximal level length the most?
> A) with Trinary Counter technique
> B) without Trinary Counter technique
1) tunnel colors and
2) counterclockwise rotary mirrors
would increase the maximal level length of A) and B).