----- Original Message -----From: SuyonoSent: Friday, February 17, 2006 8:51 PMSubject: Re: [LaserTank] February Special Update *******I noticed that the new level set
"Gary-I.lvl" was grouped into "Quicky"
(38), "Slippery" (61), "Squashed" (106),
"Bridge" (521), "SlipBridge" (521
including "Temp" 471-479).
The problem arises when he adds new
levels in the future. Should his levels
be rearranged by inserting the new
levels into the proper group? Most
likely, "No!"
Probably, letting the order as he
submitted his levels (chronological
order) is more natural. Except, if
sometime in the future he stops creating
new levels for good, the levels can be
sorted by theme.
Re: February Special Update *******
From Donald Drouin at 2006-02-19 00:50:03