keys as well.
Undo can be translated to 'Angre' but that would be 'A', and as in
the French version we shouldn't have that as a hot key because I
can't find another hot key for Skip.
Restart should be 'O' as Restart = 'Omstart', but that would crash
with 'Open Data File'. Then maybe the hot key for Open Data File
could be �& (�&pne Datafil). I know that �& does not excist in the
english alphabet so maybe that wouldn't be accepted by the compiler?
Maybe we should just keep the hot keys, though then Norwegian players
would get confused by the translations.
PS. I saw my level House, nr. 1592 was not scored. I do have a
Playback for it, but I don't want my score to be on the level (though
many others of my levels has got my score :-/).