I made some corrections and additional quotes to the previous Gumpisms. (Because: 1. My English is so marginal, 2. laser_jay made one correction regarding the bricks, 3. laser_jay asked for more quotes about �crystal block� and �rotary mirror�.) The corrections and the new quotes are written in red. Here they are (five quotes):
�Anti-tank operator recruitment must be more selective. Don't admit anymore those who can't see through crystal blocks.� *)
�Don't shoot bricks with anti-tank's barrel behind them,
unless you are standing on something.� (Thanks
to laser_jay for the correction.)
�If you see a web of tank mover, jump onto
it. Possibly it will take you to the flag.�
�No matter how many times you shoot a rotary mirror, it has 75% probability facing to the right of your tank.� **)
�Sinking the anti-tanks is amusing, but don't forget your way to the flag.�
Suyono H. Yaphar
*) Did you notice that tank operator can see through crystal block, but anti-tank operator can't? (So, the tank can shoot the anti-tank from behind the crystal block.)
**) Did you notice that it's not easy to make the rotary mirror facing to the left of your tank once it's facing to the right?
PS: I believe many LaserTankers have their own (LT quotes). I'm curious to read them.
laser_jay wrote:
--- In [email protected], "Suyono H. Yaphar" <suyonohy@d...>
> "Don't shoot bricks with anti-tank's barrel behind them."
Unless, of course, you are standing on something.
Interesting thoughts. Any for the Crystal Blocks or Rotary Mirrors ?