> Hi Javi:This is a rather interesting question. I decided to try to decide
> There's a certainty in Mikulka's
> Twin Counter. For each regular cycle,
> you can expect one rotary mirror
> (in G-J columns) is turned or one
> tile of bricks is broken.
> In indybob's long week:
> A mirror can only be sunk into the
> water spot at B16 if the following
> conditions are met: two yellow tunnels
> (M3 and N2) and ten cyan tunnels (from
> C13 to L4) are blocked. The more
> mirrors sink into the water, the more
> difficult those conditions are met
> because the downward laser can easily
> open any of those tunnels. As the
> mirrors keep coming back to the
> midfield thru those tunnels, it's
> possible that column C never be free
> from the mirror when needed. (The
> mirrors are scattered and shifting to
> the left.) The solution is uncertain.
> It's a matter of probability.
whether the level is solvable. I managed to solve it is only a few
minutes. The method is rather sneaky though.
First enter the editor in this level and remove the tankmover to the
left of the tank. Close the editor but don't save the level. Then make
a recording in which you move the tank one square left and then turn
to face the right. Save it and then load the original level from the
Now, turn the sound off. Play back the LPB using "Resume Recording"
(not "Playback Game..."). The game will now calculate what happens at
breakneck speed. On my computer, I found that it stopped after a few
minutes, with the tank now facing the flag, ready to complete the
This shows that the level is solvable, and that it is clearly within
computing power to determine how long your modified levels are. (I
haven't seen them myself, as I haven't been able to figure out how to
decode them. Anybody know where I can get "text-converter.exe"?)
Eric Schmidt "Eric119"