I think you should update your site a little bit (the look and some
of the content).. it seems a bit plain to me. I could help you with
the graphics if you want, I have a few ideas on my computer + a cool
wysiwyg webpage editor. Let me know what you think..
Here are some extra game ideas which will help out the next version
of Lasertank: A feature which allows all the 2000+ levels to be
sorted by author, by title, by date, or by difficulty in the open
level dialogue box.
Also make the opening screen the SAME SIZE as the game board!!! Right
now the the opening screen fits tiles 24 x 24 pixels and each LTG
tile is 32 x 32. In other words make the opening screen bigger or the
graphic files smaller, because it is irritating to have to switch
sizes to view the program properly without distortions.. You'll see
what I mean when you open the program.
Let me know what you (all) think!!