> Donald Drouin wrote:It depends on the player. But it's interesting to me, what way expected
> >I think that everyone should start to make playbacks of every
> >level, then we (Or you Donald) can make a site or something
> >whith playbaks of ALL levels.
> >Яlade
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> When Lpb is easily available, one has the temptation to examine them
> instead of trying to resolve levels by itself, and according to me,
> that removes certain pleasure.
the author of a level if my decision differs from author's. Frequently I
solve a task in another way (some times I solved a problem in some times
faster, than the author offered) and the train of thought of the author
is interesting to me.
I think, the list of the wittiest decisions is more useful and more
interesting, than the simple toplist. (With *.lpb files, of course)
> But it's just an opinionIMHO too.
P.S. Sorry for my English. Is it even clear?