> James,will stay as it is now.
> I am not sure, but i think the actual Lasertank file (2030 levels)
>Utility Page, will probably be placed in a future Temp level file.
> Some of the levels we have in the levels file section in Lasertank
>Actually besides the levels on the group, I have over 100 more
> But it will be Jim who will decide for this.
levels on my hard drive that I haven't had the time to play yet. I
probably never will have the time to play all of them, but I need
someone to go through them and tell me which ones are good and which
ones are bad. I will need help going through all the levels I have. I
don't know exactly how I should procede with this. I can't just have
everyone testing, that was a big failure on the last temp file. So
manybe someone can come up with a way of spliting the levels up so
everyone can test & Rate some of them and then I will add them all
back into a single temp file ( or maybe one temp per month).