I have a question about Tutor #70 - Shot or drown?
The hint says the the tank gets shot at L6, but how do know that? I think it actually drowns.
My reasoning is this:
Over the last 2 weeks I've been writing my own lasertank game in Python, which is not based on any existing source code. Only important thing left to do is to get object masks working.
Today I implemented LVL file parsing and started testing Tutor.lvl. After 4 minor bug fixes, all 92 tutor levels are now working, although some of the logic seems a bit contrived to produce the required behaviour. There's one obscure tank-waiting-on tunnel bug that I haven't implemented. It's Ihab's tunnel bug reported in Yono's LT Quiz 04. It should be easy to add this bug but not sure if I want to.
My Lasertank version displays whether the tank was shot or drowned. For L6 in Tutor #70, it shows that it drowns. Is this correct?
Does anyone know the answer?
Sahan (LFE)