> I created yet another poll. The question is 'How many levels haveyou
> made for Laser Tank?'. Yes, I use Laser Tank with a space.voted.
> Anyway, this means how many levels you have MADE, not how many has
> been added to the Temp file or Ltank file. And this does NOT cover
> Bugs or Testing levels.
> This poll shows the identy of the voter, so people can see who
> This is maybe not the most intime poll, so I guess that's OK.I keep forgetting to update my survey for LaserTank. (By the way I
> Spug
think LaserTank sounds more professional than Laser Tank.)
Anyways thank you Spug for reminding me about it, since this very
question was on that survey. I don't know, however, if I should just
stick with the pollit.com website to have the survey located, or to
move it to the LaserTank group. The reason why I might not want to
have it here is because each individual question becomes it's own
poll, resulting in a disorganized survey. If I were to keep it on the
pollit.com website, it would be much more organized, and I could even
update it if anyone has suggestions. The votes would not be lost
So what do YOU (people) think about where should it be??
P.S. the old survey is @ http://vote.pollit.com/survey?ID=367389
(It is not updated)