�xlade, me and possibly Loco will translate Laser Tank to norwegian.
Is it possible to change the Internal Graphics too, as Kheper did in
the French 3.1?
If so, Iddi will help making the new graphics.
I know there are not so many norwegian Laser Tank-fans at the moment,
at least not so many that have revealed themselves.
on behalf of all the Enigma crew
--- In Lasertank@y..., "Jim Kindley" <jkindley@p...> wrote:
> For those out there who want to translate Lasertank 4.0 to a
> different lanquage, the kit is out. It is in the MISC section of
> Files, the file is called LT32_lan.zip
> It might be a little premature to put this out but I think we are
> done with the final version. If there are any changes I will post a
> message and update the kit.
> The zip file contains:
> lt32l_us.h - This is a header file for the main program. It
> contains
> all of the text used in the game.It also has the
> button
> text & Function assignment. You can change the
> assignment
> of the buttons if you want (see Menus in lt32l_us.rc)
> Please change the file name to lt32l_XX.h where XX is
> the
> language (it can be more than 2 chars)
> lt32l_us.rc - This is the resource file that contains All Menus,
> Dialogs
> and the Keyboard Accelerators (assign Keys to
> Functions).
> Change Everything in ""
> about.txt - This is the file that is displayed in the
> "About" and the "You WON !!" windows.
> Please Keep the e-mail & WEB address
> This is a good place to add your name i.e.
> "Translated to XXX by YYYY"
> control.bmp - This is the Picture that has the; shots, Moves,
> Author & Level Name info.
> use the mirosoft paint program to modify the text
> ltank.rc - This is the most important file. It contains all
> of the menu's & Dialog's that are used in LaserTank.
> anything in "Double Quotes" is text and should be
> changed.
> Note: In the menu's a (&) is used to underline the
> next
> charecter. Also don't change the "/tF1" part in the
> menus
> this represents the Keyboard command for the item.
> opening.bmp - This is the opening help screen.
> Use a paint program to modify it.
> DO NOT Move things around in the lower half of the
> screen
> ltank.rtf - This is the help file. Please keep the formatting the
> same
> just change the text.
> If anyone wants to start a translation they should post there name
> the lanquage they are translating too, so we don't have multiple
> people working on the same thing. Or maybe the job can be split up.
> Any questions about the kit please post here so we can discuss it
> all to see.
> Jim Kindley