> --- In Lasertank@y..., "keith" <rovingcowboy@h...> wrote:it's
> > why do you want that one it has so many bugs in it now that it
> ain't
> > even funny any more. that is why jim is on version 4.04 now.
> > --- In Lasertank@y..., eschmidt@s... wrote:
> > > Is there a copy of Lasertank 1.0 available anywhere?
> Keith is right about that 1.0 had a lot of bugs. But, I see why you
> want it.
> I have got version 1.1 of Laser Tank (not 1.0 unfortunately, but
> almost the same thing), so if you want version 1.1, tell me.Well, sure, I'll settle for 1.1. I wanted to see what it looked like
> Spug
back then. I only found LT when it was at version 3.1.