> PS: Zamboni is coming to Challenge-III soon.suyono-
i'll look forward to "zamboni" - it's bound to be a bamboozling
brouhaha of a hubbub wrapped up in a hullabaloo! (silly but real
i wonder how an online translator would translate THAT?
¡Esperaré "zamboni" - tiene que ser una baraúnda que enreda de un
barullo enrolló en una algarabía!
(I will expect "zamboni" - has to be a baraúnda that entangles of a
barullo rolled up in a clamor!)
Je regarderai en avant à "zamboni" - c'est la limite pour être un
brouhaha embobinant d'un brouhaha emballé en haut dans un vacarme!
(I will look at forward to "zamboni" - this is the limit to be a
brouhaha hoodwinking of a packed brouhaha in top in a vacarme!)
i've purchased items that come with instructions less clear.