Partly in response to the Subject message (and partly because I
want it), Iam writing a program to list, and compare, the Global and
Local High Scores of a user selected input LaserTank Levels file.
The output of this program will be similar to the table obtained by
selecting the "Games | Global High Score List" menu item in
LaserTank. I will add this program to the LaserTank High Scores /
Levels Utilities Suite, and upload a revised Suite (to Donald) in 1
or 2 days.
Note to Donald: In the Suite I also corrected the ReadMe.TXT file
(group ==> groups) and the LTDelHS program (to trim trailing nulls
from the 'hs' file), and I made other minor changes (to dialog boxes
and messages).
--- In Lasertank@y..., "MrDoomMaster" <mrdoommaster@h...> wrote:
> Donald, is there a certain program that can be used to view GHS
> -------------------------------------
> ------------MrDoomMaster-------------
> -------------------------------------