And good to see that you've been able to find the time and inclination to try and finish the project. It's hard to find a sensible balance between Life and LT - often Life insists on taking up more than 75% of your time which leaves less than a pitiful 6hrs a day for LT!
Always happy to help propagate LT to The Great Unwashed so I'm up for some testing when you're ready. I've done alpha- and beta-testing in an application environment before so I guarantee that the standard will be higher than the results from the miserable amount of hole-finding that I undertake on my own levels.
Mark (Various Squïrrels)
--- In [email protected], "jetjockey.geo" <sdfkjsjlhsdbfgsfsdg@...> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I'd like to announce, or more correctly, re-announce my port of LaserTank to wxWidgets.