----- Original Message -----From: [email protected]Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2001 4:28 AMSubject: Where is temp.lvl ?Hi Donald,
> The latest temp file ( temp_10_30.zip ) is ready
Sorry, but where?
I cannot find it in the download section of Jim's page.
Ain't it used to be there?
Sorry, i am blind, stupid, sleepy, but i can't find it!
Hi Mike,The temp file page has been moved to the High Score Section.I include the previous message # 2613
Dear Lasertank usersTake note that 2 new links have been added to the Lasertank Web Page http://www.jccontrols.net/laser/First : A link to the Lasertank Utility Page (some of you had asked for it)Secondly : A link to the new page "More Levels", this page is for downloading 3 other levels files.
This is where i have placed the levels that has been removed from the temp file level.Thirdly : The Temp File Page link has been removed. (You now reach the Temp File Page by using the High Scores link)Fourthly : The High Scores section has been modified. (Two links to the two different High Scores pages)A third link will be added later, when i will start a new temp fileFifthly : The Download section (renamed to : Game Download) has been cleaned.I would like to thank Jim, that have accepted graciously the modiffications that i have done to his web pages.Donald
Re: Where is temp.lvl ?
From Donald Drouin at 2001-11-08 20:42:49