--- godbole mukta <[email protected]> wrote:
>Part: 1_____________________________________________________________
> I am a new member of the LT group. I think that I
>have found a bug. I saw the 3 bugs on the utility
>page. But this one is different from them. I hope that
>no one has found it and that it "IS" a bug.
>I have attached the .lvl file with this mail. The hint
>of that level illustrates the bug.
> Shashi.
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></pre>Part: 2
><p>Attached File: shashi's_bug.LVL
><a href="attachments/folder=INBOX&uid=2577154077&pn=2/shashi's_bug.LVL">Download <img border="0" src="/email/images/attach.gif"></a></p>
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