God, not to people. The way to do that is through Jesus Christ.
Before He came, the Jews had to sarcrafice animals to do this. Now,
though, Jesus became the ultimate sacrifice, and all we need do is
accept it.
As an aside, yes there are 10 commandments, and both honoring your
parents and not bearing "false witness" are among them.
--- In Lasertank@y..., "Benjamin Simmonds" <night_hawk2021@h...>
> "like, as a child, lying about watching more TV than allowed to bythe parents."
>live by 10 commandments (I think it's 10 =)) and as long as you
> But the thing is thats your parents rules not god's, God asks us to
repent for out bad actions then according to the bible your allowed
into heaven
> -Ben