Initial Global High Scores
There is 42 names in The Hall Of Fame
Mau 1239 GHS
ccw 0268 GHS Somebody know who is Mau?
tere 0126 GHS
Duck 0056 GHS It would be interesting to know who
JEK 0054 GHS are hidden behind these initials?
JPL 0046 GHS
ImP 0041 GHS Duck is me Donald Drouin
rpr 0035 GHS JEK is Jim. The LaserTank's creator
THZ 0027 GHS JPL is João Paulo Lima
Khep 0015 GHS THZ is ThomaZ Lima
SzM 0013 GHS Khep is Robert Vigneault
jrl 0012 GHS Spug is Tobias Langhoff
Igor 0010 GHS
Glaü 0010 GHS But who are the others ?
JJ 0009 GHS
p&c 0008 GHS P.S. This list is avaliable in
RAC 0007 GHS The Lasertank Utility Page
1t 0007 GHS
gw 0006 GHS
Spug 0004 GHS
Seo 0004 GHS
Mila 0002 GHS
IraM 0002 GHS
AKU 0002 GHS
NO SCORES 0009 GHS (Levels unsolved)
TOTAL 2030 Levels