the new version out of beta yet?
and when it is out of beta are
we going to have the ablity to play
all the old levels as well as the
new ones.
or will we need to rename the old game to make it stay on the
and not be overwriten.?
keith hall.
No problem Keith,
The old game name is ltank.exe
the new game is named lasertank40.exe
You can launch the two games
simultaneously and use the same levels files without problem, each program
will create its own .ini file, its own .hs file , its own .ghs file and its own
.lpb files.
But it is recommended that the two
program are not placed in the same directory, because it could be confusing to
have all those files in the same directory.
I hope that my explanation is accurate
and understandable.
If not maybe Jim could bring