stuff, here is an interesting news. This
finding in neuroscience may give
significant implications for AI.
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March 07, 2005
New Finding: Brain Computes in Trinary
not Binary
MIT neuroscientist, Guosong Liu, has
found that human neurons compute in
trinary, using signals that are the
equivalents of -1, 0 and 1. By contrast,
all computers compute in binary, using
just 0 and 1. Because the units of
trinary computation can in some cases be
additive (e.g. 1+1=2) or can "cancel
out" (e.g. -1 + 1 = 0), the human brain
is able to ignore information during
computation, says Liu, something which
present computers cannot do. Liu
believes the ability for trinary
computations to cancel out in some cases
will enable next-generation computers to
ignore information, and this will
fundamentally change computing as we
know it.
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