should be preferred. I also prefer shots over moves. In fact, I
sometimes save playback files where I used the fewest number of shots
in addition to saving playback files where I used the fewest number of
moves. To me, the shots are the logic and the moves are the busy
work. But, of course, that is my own opinion.
My favorite puzzle program is xsok. (Although I have not played it
since discovering the wonderful world of Lasertank.) xsok is used to
solve Sokoban puzzles. (The original type of Sokoban Puzzles, not
Lasertank's form.) I like xsok for two reasons. First, it saves
three different high scores for each puzzle. One is the fewest number
of moves (with fewest number of pushes [ie, shots] to break ties),
like lasertank. Another is the fewest number of pushes (with fewest
number of moves to break ties). Another is a score based on the
number of moves and number of pushes. Each puzzle can give a
different weight between moves and shots. In all cases I have seen,
however, one push equals 10 moves (which favors fewer pushes over
fewer moves unless you are saving a lot of moves). The other reason I
like xsok is that the user interface is slightly more advanced than
lasertank, allowing one to concentrate more on the logic rather than
counting squares.
I LOVE Lasertank as is. It will give me much entertainment and mind
stimulation for a long time. But I will always hope that, someday,
someone adds high score logic of fewest shots while keeping the high
score logic of fewest moves. (When that happens, it will instantly
double the number of puzzles, in a sense.)