> I read messages every day.
> I like to check what you guys are doing.
> But mostly I have nothing more to say about subjects of
> conversation.
> I think that Jim is right. If you want to listenmusik
> use radio or CD-player or what ever.
> Mostly I play Lasertank with "Sounds Off" because I don't
> want to disturb other peoples 1n the house.
> (and mostly I play in the nighttime.)
I have difficulty to do two things at the same time.
> I'll try to be more active in future, but english isforeign
> language to me and writing is harder than reading.
For me it's a way to perfect my english, and you can believe me, that works.
We are 44 Men and only 3 Women (That's not enough).
> marikivi
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