Well, I wouldn't call Death Star exactly "Hard"... you just have to
think a little bit about when you need to enter the center. And if
by "Breakout" you mean "Breakthrough", well, I think that level is
even easier... it was created in a moment of no inspiration :P. In my
opinion, a nice level is Aqualiss.
Now everyone, what about the latest levels (Challenge-III #481-501)...
To Aqui
--- In [email protected], <mzapdoswi@t...> wrote:
> People! I wanted to let you know that Junior changed his name to
To Aqui. I probably should have told you this earlier. To Aqui., I
would like to let you know that I got the GHS for your level Death
Star and I rated it Hard. It was a challenge and it took me 5 tries
to get it right. Also, your level Breakout was very difficult too.
Although I forgot what I rated it.... :)
> Go and check. BTW your levels are getting to become really nice.
I really like the levels with the rotary mirros all in one direction
and you have to flip some of them first before you can flip the
> Zapala
> >
> > From: "to_aqui_br" <to_aqui_br@y...>
> > Date: 2004/06/01 Tue PM 03:26:24 CDT
> > To: [email protected]
> > Subject: Feedback on latest levels (Challenge-III #481-501)
> >
> >