About HS (& GHS):
The program knows the number of levels after it reads the level file, so
it knows the size of the proper HS file, i.e. = (10 * number-of-levels).
We can put more extra bytes after that number of bytes. (For example, if
you need more spaces for the number of shots.) As you did with the LPB,
the program reads the extra bytes only if the number >=65,535. (You use
this mechanism to preserve the current data format.)
The program should be able to read the existing HS and GHS files (which
have smaller size) assuming none of them has the number of moves/shots =
65,535. The program will save in the new format.
Drawback: Many utilities should follow the changes. Hopefully, the
authors (of the utilities) are still active.
For consideration: How many players have tried to solve and intended to
submit his/her '>=65,500-step scores'?
miqulka wrote: