----- Original Message -----From: Jim KindleySent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 2:13 PMSubject: First Version 4.0 Lanquage kit out ! ! !For those out there who want to translate Lasertank 4.0 to a
different lanquage, the kit is out. It is in the MISC section of the
Files, the file is called LT32_lan.zip
It might be a little premature to put this out but I think we are
done with the final version. If there are any changes I will post a
message and update the kit.
Hi Jim,May be that i am wrong, but i think that something is missing in the language kit:How can we translate the labels on the Push-Buttons (See the image attached).Thank you.Ðonald
Re: First Version 4.0 Lanquage kit out ! ! !
From Donald Drouin at 2001-06-03 07:01:29