Then, after you click 'Undo' the state is at step -1.
Most of the time (I'll tell you later about this),
we don't care what is BEFORE step 0.
So, in Javi's level, you can't use the playback file
that record from step 0 to the last move only.
If we can reach the flag after step -1, that's OK.
You can pick any ordinary level that has playback file.
After the tank reaches the flag, press 'Restart'
You are at the step 0. Then press 'Undo'.
The result? The music ('You win!'), or the tank is dead
if it's to close to an anti-tank.
I said, "Most of the time, we don't care what is before step 0."
However, this feature is VERY useful (I use it many times.)
If after you have played so many hundred moves,
you realized that you forgot to record the game.
Don't panic, do this:
Click on 'Record Game' (F5).
Click on 'Restart' (R).
Click on 'Undo' (U).
You may 'Save Recording' (F6) now.