change it:
Go to "control panel" and on the left side (on the column) there is an
option that says "switch to classic view" or something like that (the reason
to change this is because the options are more available, and not
categorized like they are in the XP view of control panel)
after changing the view to classic, find the option called "users" and open
then, you will find a your user name on the screen with your icon beside it.
double click your name to open your user preferences
you will come to your preference page that has several editing options for
your customization- find the one that allows you to change your icon or
picture (you will know it when you see it) you will come to the icon editing
window, and from there you can figure out the rest- good luck, and write me
if you have any questions!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Marcel Celaya" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Sunday, November 04, 2001 3:29 AM
Subject: Re: Microsoft Paint
> --- In Lasertank@y..., "MrDoomMaster" <mrdoommaster@h...> wrote:
> > Believe it or not, but I still think MS Paint is still the best
> thing to make LTG's with! although there aren't many features, I
> like that because you have control over EVERYTHING! If you wondering
> how MS Paint will change after you get Windows XP, don't expect
> anything. It's the same as it is in Windows ME
> > _____________________________
> > --MrDoomMaster
> > _____________________________
> I guess the graphics program someone uses should vary depending on
> their needs. I haven't made many LTGs in a long time -- Now i'm
> actually on the way to finishing my TI calculator site.. plus I plan
> to create another page soon.. anyways.. I just got XP too and was
> wondering how to change that picture on the change user screen. It's
> a pink magnolia flower (I think).. and I guess it's there becuase my
> name stars with "M" also.
> __
> FB|
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