That sounds like an error during downloading - my tutor.lvl is 9216 bytes and works great. try downloading again?
"drwiseking " wrote:
The expanded tutor.lvl is a GREAT idea. However, the file I
downloaded yesterday seems to have some problems. First, almost none
of its levels have hints (or names). Second, LT 4.0.6 skips levels
11 & 12 (they do show up in LTEdit40.exe). Finally, this tutor.lvl
has 47 'extra' bytes (9263 vice 16*576 = 9216). Or, did I do
something wrong?
--- In [email protected], Donald Drouin <ducky@g...> wrote:
> The tutor.lvl file contain now 8 new trick levels.
> Thanks to Horst Ledpeddle
> Donald
> In the "Help" section of our web site there is a file named
> This file contain 8 levels to help players with the "legitimate"
> Originally the file had 6 levels and I have added the levels 1 &
> and I need your help to complete this level file.
> Please send me the tricks you want me to add to this file.
> You can send me a description of a trick(bug),
> and/or a reference to an existing level,
> and/or a small level that contain the trick(bug).
> Thank you for your collaboration
> Donald
> Trick Tutorial - By Robert Vigneault
> This is a level file showing some tricks that are used in
some of the levels. If you are having problems with a level maybe
there is a trick that you need to figure out. Most of these tricks
actually bugs in the software, but I have left them in to make the
game more exciting. Don't forget to read the hint in each level.
> tutor.lvl
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