--- In [email protected], "lfe_7413" <sahandasanayaka@...> wrote:
> So if animation is turned off and there's nothing happening in the game (ie. nothing for the movement and laser processor thread to do), then would the only thread doing any work be the event handler? So is that where the problem is (if there is one).
> By event handler I assume you mean the thing that's always running in the background waiting for a key to be pressed?
> Also, it might be good to display the score maybe at the right hand edge of the menu bar.
> --- In [email protected], "wrldwzrd89" <worldwizard@> wrote:
> >
> > Reproduced on my development machine. Thanks for reporting it. However, I'm not entirely sure how to fix it. The game is quite multi-threaded. Excluding worker threads the JRE makes for its own purposes, there are basically 3 threads that run constantly while the game is playing: The event handler thread (created and started automatically), the movement and laser processor thread (spins in a loop; yields to other threads if it has no work to do; when there IS work to do, handles movement of the tank and shooting lasers - both by you and anti-tanks), and the animator thread (constantly animates all the game objects - if turned off in the preferences, this thread never starts; sleeps periodically to delay the animation enough to make it realistic).
> >
> > --- In [email protected], "lfe_7413" <sahandasanayaka@> wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > I was waiting for someone else to say this but looks like no one will. Maybe no one has the same problem.
> > >
> > > When I run the LT application, load a lvl file and then choose play, cpu usage goes up to basically 100%. This happened on two Windows computers.
> > >
> > > LFE
> >
Re: LaserTank in Java - It's RAID Time (Bug Fixes)
From wrldwzrd89 at 2010-10-19 21:12:47