laser tank below is a pen and pencil fighting fantasy meets top
trumps game i designed you can play, I have posted this on ultimate
role play group and myth weavers.
OVERLANDER (Example Game To Play)
Here is a fighting fantasy style rpg to play all you need
is a dice pencil pen and paper, this game is loosely based
on the computer game Overlander. The story is set in the
future where robot controlled cars rule the universe and
basically destroy each other to survive. Number of players
ideally 8, below is a example of a car.
write these on 8 bits of paper
explanation no is number of car 1-8
b.p is bullet proofing roll 2 dice and the result is your set
bullet proofing
canons: these are your canons again roll 2 dice for canons
Speed: how fast you can go again roll 2 dice for speed
Lives:3 this is set once you lose all your lives your dead
Money: when you destroy another car, you gain its worth, this become
your money
Worth: roll 2 dice for your worth, this goes up when you destroy
another car.
B.R. Battering Ram, again roll 2 dice for batting ram
you decide how to attack a car with either your canons,
or battering ram, e.g. if your canons are 7 and the other car is 6
you have the advantage and they lose 1 point
the other car can avoid your attack with either speed or bullet
if you choose to use canons, the other car can stop your attack with
bullet proofing which goes down 1
and your canons go down 1.
if you choose Battering ram, the other car can stop your attack with
speed which goes down 1
once your opponents car is out of bulletproofing and the opponent
decides to use canons then they lose a life
the same goes for speed for battering ram attacks
once there car is out of lives there worth goes to you money
when you have destroyed all cars, or they destroy you the game is over
if you survive you can use the money you gained in the shop
here you can buy Bullet proofing, Lives, Speed, Canons and Battering
Roll 1 dice for each items cost in the shop so if you roll 1 lives
are worth one etc
keep doing this for all shop items then decide what to buy
the shop changes its prices each time you visit.