Welcome to the World of LaserTank

This is a puzzle game. You must get your tank to the flag in every level. Your tank can move in four directions and can fire a laser that is used to move objects. The amount of moves and shots it takes to complete a level are recorded in a high score list. The scores are then compared with the current "Global High Score" file. You can get a current copy of the Global High Score file on LaserTank web site. If you beat one of the scores by making less moves to finish the level, then send me an e-mail with your "LaserTank.hs" file attached. I will update the website with your score; however, you will have to prove your score by recording the level and sending me the playback file [.LPB file]. Also, don't forget to rate the unrated levels you solve. You can use the LaserTank Level's Evaluator tool to do it.
New players should download the basic training level file available on the Help Page

When you download LaserTank Version 4.1, you get 2030 Levels to play. (New levels are added each month and they can be downloaded from the New Levels & High Scores section). They are NOT in order of easy to hard, but the order I received them. So if you have played before then just start playing at the level that you left off at. Also if a level is too hard then just skip the level, you can always play it later. You can now set the program to skip the levels that you have already played. So you can always load level 1 and press F2 (new game) to play the levels that were not completed the first time through. You should know that even if certain levels seems impossible to be solved, they all have their solutions. I strongly recommend that you download the file Tutor.lvl available in the Help Section.

This game comes with a Level Editor so you can make more levels. The software program is HelpWare. You can use LaserTank for free, but I'm asking for your help. I want you to make a new level using the Level Editor, and send it to me. I will update the software every now and then and add the best of the levels that you send me.

NOTE: You must include your solutions with your levels.
(See how to create LPB files in the LaserTank help file)
I need your solutions to avoid adding unsolvable levels.
I would like to solve every levels by myself before adding them,
but my limited time does not allow me to act as a level tester.

You can E-mail & send your levels to me:


Screen Shots of some Easy Levels

Screen Shots of some Hard Levels

What's New for LaserTank 4.1

  • Rewrote game in "C" and used lcc-win32 to compile it in 32 bit code.
  • Added New Sounds, Also more of them.
  • Added three new objects; Tunnels, Ice & Thin Ice
  • Changed graphics engine.
  • New graphics.
  • Mirrors & anti tanks are now transparent.
  • User Graphics can now be loaded.
  • LTG files can be used to change the game appearance.
  • Converted Undo to an Unlimited size & fixed Restart Undo.
  • Added Replay command.
  • Modified Game Record operation.
  • Added Mouse operation for game play.
  • Global High Score file now will not be updated when a score is beaten.
  • Add Levels: Total of 2030
  • Play LaserTank in other languages

Click Here if you want to know more

[JEK] By Jim Kindley