Game Download Area

This is where you can download the latest version of LaserTank.
Works on Windows 95 or newer and need a couple of megs of disk space.

DownLoad Install version LaserTank ver 4.1.2

LT4_Setup.exe (In a zip file)- 552K Bytes 
Ver 4.1.2, August 02, 2005 
Win 95  --- Install Version ---


DownLoad Portable Version
LaserTank ver 4.1.2 - 494K Bytes 
Ver 4.1.2, August 02, 2005 
Win 95  --- Portable Version ---

DownLoad LaserTank Help File
in PDF Format

LaserTank Help.pdf - 168K Bytes 
Because the original LaserTank Help File
doesn't work with Windows 10


You should know that even if certain levels seems impossible, they all have their solutions.
I strongly recommend that you download the Tutor Levels available in the
Help Section 

Go to the Download New Levels & View High Scores page to download more levels

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Or click here for a Donation by Mail

LaserTank Language Kit

Play LaserTank Version 4.1.2 in a different language

Just download and install the kit in the same directory you've installed LaserTank

French Kit (Français)

Dutch Kit (Nederlands)

Spanish Kit (El español)

Portuguese-Br Kit (Pôrtugues)

Croatian Kit (Hrvatska)

Chinese Kit (Traditional)

Chinese Kit (Simplified)

Deutsch Kit

Swedish Kit

Serbian Kit

Turkish Kit

The LaserTank Translation Kit

This is The Lanquage kit for LaserTank ver 4.1.2 :
Use it to translate LaserTank in another language.

LaserTank Source Version 4.1.2

For those out there that know C, I have put the source files for laser tank here : - 3.2 Mb August 03, 2005
If someone wants to convert the game to run on another platform
( i.e. Mac OS, Linux, ect.. ) please
and tell me how you are doing.

[JEK] By Jim Kindley