When contributing to LaserTank, please bear in mind that
your submitted material is not processed automatically. To ease the administrator's work-load,
please ensure that all regular submissions (playback files, new
levels) conform to the guidelines listed below.
Playback files (*.lpb) - 1 file to be submitted for each of the 2 types
- LPBs for other's levels to claim the Global High Score (GHS)
Please save your LPBs in the standard format suggested by the game (eg LevelName_0001.lpb).
Do not forget to rate new levels (or re-rate old ones if necessary), using the LaserTank Evaluator program. The more people that rate a level, the more accurate that rating is likely to be.
Please collect all of your LPBs to be submitted, along with all of the relevant text files generated by the LaserTank Evaluator program (1 for each level set), into a single zipfile/archive.
Please use the format [Your HS initials][YourText].[zip/rar/arj/lha/etc] YourText can be whatever you choose to help you keep track of your submissions but might include a date stamp (eg Duck-03-24.zip or Duck070324.rar, etc).
- LPBs for your levels that beat the current GHS (so your level will be listed on the Undefeated Authors list)
Please save your LPBs in the standard format suggested by the game (eg LevelName_0001.lpb).
Please use the official level file name and number and not your original one (eg Challenge-I_1837.lpb not MyLevels_0003.lpb).
Please collect all of your LPBs to be submitted into a single zipfile/archive.
Please use the format [Your HS initials][YourText].[zip/rar/arj/lha/etc].
Submissions accepted any time but those sent on the last day of the month may be held over to the following Update depending on time.
New levels (*.lvl) - 1 file
- Please check in Levels_Name.txt (contained in Update.zip) that your individual level titles have not already been used by someone else.
You must provide an LPB for each of the levels you are submitting to prove that it can be done. Please save your LPBs in the standard format suggested by the game (eg LevelName_0001.lpb).
All your levels for submission should be in a single *.lvl file. You can call it what you like but please do not use underscores ( _ ) in your file name.
Please collect the *.lvl file and all of your LPBs to be submitted into a single zipfile/archive.
Please use the format [Your HS initials][YourText].[zip/rar/arj/lha/etc] YourText can be whatever you choose to help you keep track of your submissions but might simply be the name of your *.lvl file or the date of submission, or both (eg Duck-NewLevels6.zip or Duck0324.rar or Duck_Xmas levels_11-28.arj, etc). Underscores are OK in your zipfile name.
Submissions need to be sent before the last day of the month. This is because it takes longer to process new levels than LPBs. Submitting a level does not automatically guarantee its inclusion in the official level sets. Levels must not be copies of existing levels, even mirrored or rotated unless that substantially alters the play of the level (eg Anti-Tank firing priority). Ideally, levels will meet certain standards of craftsmanship, and will not be too similar to any existing levels. Everyone is encouraged to try their hand at making a level so the standards are quite relaxed and the administrator judges kindly.