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- Universal LaserTank
Javascript port of LaserTank: It can be run on all "modern" devices. Tested on an iPhone 5c (iOS 10), an iPhone SE (iOS 12), an Android phone, a Windows phone and a PC.
- LaserTank-RE
LaserTank-RE is a web and desktop version of the 1995 classic puzzle game LaserTank. This implementation is based on the original sources and includes all the quirks of the original game.
- LaserTankpedia
An encyclopedia containing a lot of information about LaserTank
(It's exciting, a must-see)
- wxLaserTank - wxWidgets
conversion for Windows, Linux and Mac
- http://lasertanksolutions.blogspot.com/
This is a Blog about Lasertank Solutions.
- https://laser-tank.com/archive/
Here are stored the archive of Lasertank Yahoo Group