LaserTank Monthly Messages 
Messages mensuels - LaserTank

You will find here the latest monthly messages, posted by me, the LaserTank manager.
Vous trouverez ici les messages mensuels, postés par moi, le gérant de LaserTank. 
======= September Messages ======                  ====== Messages de Septembre ====

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== The Monthly Update is now ready ==
==== September Update ====

00 New Levels added - Total: 20,850 Levels
00 to Challenge-V
00 to Sokoban-II

There are
61 Unsolved Levels now.
58 are in Challenge-V
03 is in Sokoban-II

Look for the individual report in "New Levels & High Scores" Pages at:

This month 00 new levels

xxx (00)

== La Mise à jour mensuelle est sortie ==
==== Mise à jour de Septembre ====

00 nouveaux tableaux ajoutés. Total 20 850 tableaux.
00 à Challenge-V
00 à Sokoban-II

Il y a
61 tableaux non solutionnés
58 sont dans Challenge-V
03 sont dans Sokoban-II

Voir les rapports dans les pages "Tableaux et Records" a:
Ce mois çi 00 nouveaux tableaux

xxx (00)

===== September Update ====

===== A fun task for the GHS Hunters =====

The author's high score is better than the current Global High Score (GHS)
for the following 177 levels:

Thus it's possible to get better GHS.
Can you do it?

==== Mise à jour de Septembre ====
===== Pour les chasseurs de GHS =====

Le Record de l'auteur est meilleur que le Record Global (GHS)
pour chacun des 177 tableaux suivants:

Il est donc possible d'améliorer ces GHS.
Pouvez-vous le faire ?

| Levels Collection                   | Current GHS  | Author's HS  |
| Challenge-IV      [ 41 levels ]     | MOVES  SHOTS | MOVES  SHOTS |

| 0500  Inclined Strata               |   329   136  |   266   153  |
| 0573  A tribute to Wolf 2           |  1183   573  |  1087   567  |
| 0783  Bigleux SSnniippeerr          |   341   109  |   293   109  |
| 0786  Sculpter un nouveau monde     |   421   381  |   347   433  |
| 0954  Laser Test                    |   762   207  |   745   170  |
| 1066  Man In The Mirror             |   165   326  |   153   320  |
| 1067  California Dreamin'           |   166   122  |   124   215  |
| 1068  Aranjuez                      |   343   421  |   261   415  |
| 1101  My Level 100 Moves            |   102   150  |   100   178  |
| 1201  Late Morning Run              |  1037   234  |   977   227  |
| 1275  The incredible machine        |  1099   271  |   652   270  |
| 1339  Dead A-T Shuffle (Short)      |   404   184  |   371   166  |
| 1463  Second one                    |    35    48  |    33    55  |
| 1489  Tomorrow                      |   272   163  |   255   154  |
| 1491  Minitour                      |    82    97  |    82    95  |
| 1504  Espejito, espejito (5)        |  2496   786  |  1232   492  |
| 1515  Robinson Crusoe               |    41    42  |    40    47  |
| 1516  Thinking about                |    30    78  |    29    78  |
| 1517  The marsh                     |   127    58  |   112    58  |
| 1519  The accordion                 |    57    82  |    57    53  |
| 1520  A small spin                  |   123   114  |   122   118  |
| 1521  Quick path...                 |    90    61  |    90    59  |
| 1539  quattro-due                   |   122   106  |    91   142  |
| 1541  quattro-quattro               |    17    44  |    14    97  |
| 1542  quattro-cinque                |   180   119  |   172   114  |
| 1547  cinque-zero                   |    98    67  |    98    65  |
| 1558  Homage to Pono 2              |   102    57  |    97    57  |
| 1585  sei-sei                       |    80    67  |    79    67  |
| 1586  sei-sette                     |    46    70  |    42    69  |
| 1613  Laser anti-tank 2             |   415   247  |   337   210  |
| 1614  sette-uno                     |    67    78  |    65    78  |
| 1615  sette-due                     |   281   186  |   158   197  |
| 1617  sette-quattro                 |    93   102  |    85   112  |
| 1618  sette-cinque                  |   126   106  |   120    99  |
| 1621  sette-otto                    |   152   123  |   136   136  |
| 1669  Posting Bermuda 2             |   393   166  |   389   173  |
| 1706  Lasertest 21                  |   534   289  |   466   255  |
| 1723  undici-sette                  |   257   113  |   249   113  |
| 1726  dodici-zero                   |   206   194  |   173   167  |
| 1854  Elementary 4                  |   607   226  |   602   208  |
| 1991  Reductio ad Vexillum II       |  1230   515  |  1184   539  |
| Levels Collection                   | Current GHS  | Author's HS  |
| Challenge-V       [ 75 levels ]     | MOVES  SHOTS | MOVES  SHOTS |

| 0033  Reductio ad Vexillum III      |  1460   561  |  1346   598  |
| 0193  Laser Antitank 11             |  3673  1014  |  3259   822  |
| 0207  Automated Lockdown            |   539   214  |   533   221  |
| 0219  without trance                |   213    59  |   181    61  |
| 0220  Espejito, Espejito2453        |   138   104  |    43    25  |
| 0307  Trouble Tank 1                |   260    68  |   246    84  |
| 0315  cream bucolic                 |   455   196  |   454   186  |
| 0346  Rescue the block              |  2926  1210  |  1994   637  |
| 0352  Serpentine                    |  2379   655  |  1789   490  |
| 0353  Serpentine 2                  |  1665   511  |  1660   586  |
| 0386  Ode to Joy                    |   469   186  |   351   165  |
| 0405  smart maneures #53            |    43    15  |    32     3  |
| 0412  Parterre                      |  1852   428  |  1421   440  |
| 0427  Surfer : version 999          |   680   290  |   303   261  |
| 0428  Echo Base                     |   688   143  |   487   126  |
| 0432  Ash Seduction                 |   441   260  |   410   279  |
| 0438  LaserAntitank 14              |   597   146  |   353   103  |
| 0441  Elementary 2017               |   642   187  |   489   155  |
| 0450  Soloban XI                    |   617   161  |   599   161  |
| 0454  LT on ice 2018                |  1339   502  |  1210   393  |
| 0456  Elementary 2018               |  1893   709  |  1532   604  |
| 0460  Bermuda Boi                   |   238   126  |   236   122  |
| 0464  Blue Square Fill-in           |  1047   447  |   905   424  |
| 0487  bucolic jangle                |   742   618  |   689   654  |
| 0490  Through Hardening 2           |   206    83  |   199    77  |
| 0492  Through Caressing 2           |   469   181  |   455   176  |
| 0543  Through Addressing 2          |   147   192  |   141   174  |
| 0556  Squirrel Maze                 |   354   167  |   336   164  |
| 0569  Without Danger 2              |   567   138  |   522   136  |
| 0570  Through Spattering 3          |  1196   708  |   760   486  |
| 0571  bucolic waver III             |   919   348  |   897   498  |
| 0590  Futomono 4                    |   912   516  |   888   546  |
| 0591  Mukozuke 5                    |   682   152  |   548   151  |
| 0618  Spin Logic                    |     1   262  |     1   257  |
| 0622  Celtic Cross                  |   971   299  |   935   299  |
| 0623  Wallflowers                   |   307   196  |   270   193  |
| 0626  Playing Chess on Red Carpet   |  1323   149  |  1245   142  |
| 0639  E pur si muove! (tutti)       |    77   216  |    75   216  |
| 0647  bucolic scream 2              |   350   161  |   342   187  |
| 0653  All you need is a bridge      |  1111   400  |  1071   399  |
| 0663  Dangerous Railway =_=         |   124    99  |   116    99  |
| 0671  Anomala corpulenta            |  1818   286  |  1467   297  |
| 0714  Lasertank on  ice 2021        |  1848   661  |   942   317  |
| 0749  Taquin 15                     |   554   447  |   502   371  |
| 0750  Apr s moult r flexions        |   620   588  |   546   434  |
| 0751  Trouvez les 7 diff rences !   |   572   487  |   524   387  |
| 0752  Seven Errors Game & Fun       |   584   526  |   510   435  |
| 0753  himitsu-bako 41 stp yosegi    |   512   529  |   446   459  |
| 0769  Edgy 2                        |   388   195  |   374   188  |
| 0770  Bridge Builder 3              |  1036   290  |   824   291  |
| 0802  Anise star                    |   827   388  |   820   375  |
| 0807  Sisyphus 2                    |   811   221  |   674   240  |
| 0812  Levels from the past          |   374   107  |   293   108  |
| 0813  Triple-locked Vault           |   974   266  |   950   216  |
| 0815  Penrose Stairs II             |   293   145  |   226   158  |
| 0816  Nexus IV                      |   555   230  |   526   240  |
| 0818  Spiral Path                   |   412   224  |   405   229  |
| 0819  Six Tiny Houses               |   566   155  |   475   160  |
| 0831  Without Warble 2              |    92    94  |    90    93  |
| 0833  Maze of Terror 2              |   353   162  |   318   145  |
| 0834  Wigan Pier 2                  |   550   200  |   371   186  |
| 0835  Go Figure 2                   |   456   226  |   391   214  |
| 0836  Igor Li Bay 2                 |   640   217  |   484   209  |
| 0837  Shooting Through Glass 2      |   806   315  |   529   268  |
| 0843  The church interior 2         |   613   268  |   515   182  |
| 0849  There and Back Again V        |   560   250  |   532   245  |
| 0851  Africa - In the Waterhole 2   |   145    49  |   135    49  |
| 0852  Africa - Sahara Desert 2      |   357   148  |   275   126  |
| 0855  Three Blocks and a Mirror 2   |   432   176  |   419   191  |
| 0858  England - Special Level 2     |   101    81  |    97    79  |
| 0859  Japan - The Local Jail 2      |   363   209  |   271   210  |
| 0860  Taiwan - Professor's Hut 2    |   231   132  |   226   162  |
| 0861  Russia - Nuclear Factory 2    |   419   263  |   384   272  |
| 0862  These Crystal Blocks 2        |   445   154  |   404   147  |
| 0863  Hook 2                        |   380   126  |   325   145  |
| Levels Collection                   | Current GHS  | Author's HS  |
| Sokoban-II        [ 61 levels ]     | MOVES  SHOTS | MOVES  SHOTS |

| 0283  Le fou du roi                 |   331   123  |   285   125  |
| 0426  Le Sans Souci                 |    99    81  |    83    78  |
| 0428  Tchou tchou                   |   630   165  |   395   135  |
| 0434  Double X-bar                  |   594   245  |   522   251  |
| 0436  Sans Le Sou                   |   194   110  |   183   116  |
| 0828  Rom rio                       |  1046   448  |  1030   448  |
| 0884  without extract               |   730   395  |   728   393  |
| 0918  !!!!Don't worry, be happy!!!! |   159   104  |   139   105  |
| 0947  Level Variation 42            |   139    89  |   113    75  |
| 0948  Level Variation 43            |   363   225  |   210   206  |
| 1061  bucolic dagger 2              |   235   287  |   226   245  |
| 1109  4 solutions impossibles       |   369   152  |   335   154  |
| 1289  Petit Tableau 150             |   162   188  |   158   174  |
| 1292  UNINVOLVED in PEACE           |   329   185  |   307   162  |
| 1387  bucolic starter               |   223    69  |   210    63  |
| 1395  Seductores Artistas           |   662   658  |   263   311  |
| 1396  Level Variation 60            |  1573   104  |  1161   106  |
| 1400    la Gary-XI                  |   325    88  |   219    90  |
| 1402  Les souks d'Alep              |  1455   253  |  1052   239  |
| 1413  Closing ceremony              |   202    91  |   178    94  |
| 1427  through terracing 2           |   878   473  |   798   475  |
| 1437  Blocks watering               |   675   268  |   510   395  |
| 1452  Bermuda Prison                |  1005   990  |   909   972  |
| 1454  bucolic raven                 |   857   339  |   708   311  |
| 1456    la Gary-XIII                |   959   343  |   809   351  |
| 1457  Arc-boutement                 |  3378  3875  |   815   599  |
| 1459  Chaenomeles japonica          |   752   238  |   721   201  |
| 1461  kelvinator party              |   156    56  |   113    52  |
| 1462  M14 block is not in crystal ! |  1172   286  |  1172   278  |
| 1472  More gathering 2              |  1185  1040  |  1098  1175  |
| 1482  The Oh No Zone                |   367   108  |   252   100  |
| 1531  Colic Bermuda 2               |   433   200  |   289   189  |
| 1579  through annexing              |   424   324  |   344   283  |
| 1582  bucolic gleam                 |   740   290  |   646   281  |
| 1583  DroppingBermuda               |  1258   461  |  1064   486  |
| 1595  Arr t dans l' tat initial     |   598   256  |   542   242  |
| 1598  Autofahrerin                  |   187   313  |   162   277  |
| 1599  Baumwollkleid                 |   414   341  |   328   264  |
| 1604  bucolic stagger               |   368   327  |   330   313  |
| 1613  Amazing Moves v2              |  1029   301  |   999   410  |
| 1616  engage le jeu que je le gagne |   415   171  |   325   163  |
| 1623  without arrest                |   572   362  |   361   333  |
| 1632  bucolic manner 3              |   379   351  |   343   320  |
| 1633  Playground of the Damned      |  1824   631  |  1290   511  |
| 1639  through retarding 2           |   484   243  |   471   305  |
| 1661  Hypnos Mod Mod                | 11433  1526  | 10393   976  |
| 1663  Fear No Evil 4                |  1545   583  |  1172   580  |
| 1665  Soko2: Blocks on Water 2      |   702   312  |   682   294  |
| 1666  A Chinese character 3         |   789   221  |   681   233  |
| 1667  -            CC            -  |   982   275  |   956   256  |
| 1669  A. G. Bell                    |  2200   762  |  1998   794  |
| 1675    la Gary-XIV                 |   399   126  |   339   130  |
| 1678  SlipBridge-894 grand format   |   526   228  |   495   211  |
| 1679  Bridge-906 : zoom in          |   931   239  |   859   241  |
| 1680  La patinoire pi g e           |   299    98  |   275   101  |
| 1681  Carr  papal                   |   595   163  |   547   170  |
| 1683  Cowly Bermuda                 |   392   288  |   381   292  |
| 1690  bucolic grave 3               |  4151  1728  |  3419  1609  |
| 1707  Blox In Boxes II              |  1008   324  |   924   310  |
| 1708  Blox In Boxes III             |   955   187  |   921   293  |
| 1717  Marsupilami                   |  1066   494  |   856   467  |

  The LaserTank Update Levels and High Scores Utility


by Harvey Solomon has been revised





This is the latest LaserTank Update Levels & High Scores Utility (Ver. 6.0.0)

The following changes were made:


     1. Changed the name of this utility to the more succinct "LaserTank Update Data Files Utility (LTUDU)", and changed ReadMeUp.TXT and VerHistUp.TXT to ReadMeUDU.TXT and VerHistUDU.TXT, respectively.
     2. The LTUDU program was updated to, and compiled with, WinBatch 2024A (vice 2001N).  Hence, WBDCC34I.DLL is replaced by WBDXA44I.DLL - see the "Installation and Removal of this Utility" section of the ReadMeUDU.TXT file.
     3. Added a variable 'Last Update' date to be kept current by Donald in the (new/modified ReadMe.txt file (now ReadAllUp.txt) in LTUpdates.ZIP.
     4. Added a new Warning "A" re. failure to read a valid 'Last Update' date; so, a default date was used.
     5. Bumped the other warning letters up by 1 (A-->B, B-->C, ...).
    6. Added an 'Info. Mode' to just (optionally) open (to view or edit) the LTUpLog.TXT and/or ReadMeUDU.TXT files (if they exist) in YourLTFolder. To implement this mode, press and hold the "Ctrl" key when you start the LTUDU program (or clear the "User Account Control" dialog box).
     7. Simplified the Clipboard copy and view options.
    8. Edited the text in the "... and Select Backup Methods" dialog box.
    9. Added a "Keyboard Operations for Displayed Dialog Boxes" paragraph to the ReadMeUDU.TXT file.



Harvey (DrWiseKing)


[JEK] By Jim Kindley