Chinese Discussing Zone

 Here's a message from Li Yifeng(lyf), one of the best players in history.

 He keeps 100 GHSs of deadly levels by the end of 2024, and have created  several excellent levels, which are very difficult or interesting.


 Hi Chinese players, Welcome to add in the QQ group to talk about  Lasertank. The group number is

 I am sorry that foreigners may not be able to add in because of some  reasons which I cannot change.

 If you want to talk to me privately, you can also add my personal QQ  number: 393399075

 In the end of 2024, there are tens of members in the group and some of  them are active. You can also download many files about Lasertank after  you add in the group. You are likely to get some help if you ask for hints  or solutions of a level.

 We hope to meet more players.

         Li Yifeng (lyf)